** Updated 2022 / 03 / 16 **

Want to expand your knowledge regarding our computers, or computers in general?
You are at the right place!
This page is intended to provide quick clarification on some concepts and technical details. We won't go very deep on details, and if you want deeper detail, we can refer you to other external links that can explain some of the concepts as extensively as you want.

This page is not intended either to provide technical support or troubleshooting, our support is the one for that purpose.

As highlighted into our about us section, the mastermind behind the purple hippo has formal higher education in electronics engineering, a master's degree.
While some others might just speculate on why "it works that way" I can demonstrate the concepts and equations that explain why "it works that way":
Exponential current in a semiconductor junction? Cosine of phase angle between AC current and voltage for power factor correction? Asynchronous vs synchronous sequential digital circuits? Laminar flow and heat exchange? Yes, we can explain all of them, and more!

Central Processing Unit or Processor (CPU)

The processor is usually considered the brain of the system, the first parts that comes t mind when thinking "computer" A lot of the operations are handled by the processor, and a decent fast processor is required for overall computer speed. Being the brain, the CPU sometimes is considered crucial for operatins that rely more on other components.


If the processor is the brain, the motherboard is the backbone. It is the base board where all the components connect, and acts as master

Power Supply (PSU)

If you have your brain and your backbone, what keeps them alive and ticking? A good steady supply of oxygenated blood! The power supply can be considered as the heart of the PC, the lifeblood to the electronics, the circulatory system of the machine. It is the box that provides electricity to all the components by converting AC electric power from your wall outlet to DC electric power needed by the electronics in the PC.

Graphic Processing Unit in video card (GPU)

In addition to knowledge of the game and good conditioning, what else does a top athlete need? MUSCLE! The athletic ability!

In a gaming computer, the video card (GPU) is the muscle, the athletic ability. If you are playing a sport, the athletic ability matters! The video card provides it, the strength to push those pixels.

A gaming PC could be compared to a sports team, in addition to a great coach (the brain, the CPU) you need athletic ability (GPU) The best coach in the world won't make champions of a bunch of no talent players. While somehow obvious, and as ridiculous as it sounds, this is a situation you see often in so called "gaming machines" with strong CPU but weak GPU.

No matter if you got Joachim Loew calling the plays from the bench, your out-of-shape drinking buddies won't do much against those pro soccer teams...

Fans, Heatsinks and Cooling

Physicists of past called heat "the most degraded form of energy" as it is hard to reconvert to more useful energy, and it is always generated as energy losses. Electronics are not immune, and generate heat. The more powerful the system the more heat generated. Heat has to be removed, and heatsinks and fans will do it. But what if the fans become too noisy? Cool or quiet?

Well, why not pick both! Our system have tuned for thermals and acoustics, and these aftermarket CPU heatsinks will let you have cool AND quiet!

Operating System (OS)

Windows 10? Windows 11? What to pick? The operating system is the software that allows the machine to run. Even if you have great hardware, like a smart brain, good heart and athletic ability, how about the learnings to use them properly? The OS will help with that. Windows 11 our OS of choice!